优秀实践 | 怎样设置练习任务更易达到教学目标?

2018-08-16 发布
1193 字 • 3 分钟





这些小问题如何设置更易激发用户参与、助其运用所学?在线教育支持服务提供商 Thinkific Team 总结了几个常用策略,并给出详细示例,详见 4 Strategies To Boost Participation In Online Courses - Thinkific

  1. A good question is open-ended

    Not so good: Were you able to wake up earlier in the mornings this week?

    Better: Share with us your experience of waking up earlier in the mornings than usual this week?

    Best: If you woke up earlier than usual this week, we’d love to hear your reflections –

    • Identify at least one practice that aided you in your commitment and explain why it was helpful OR
    • Describe how you felt in body, mind or heart: upon waking, after morning practices, or in mid-afternoon.
    • If you were not able to wake up earlier, we want to hear from you, too. Identify at least one obstacle to your progress in this area and explain how the obstacle hinders you exactly.
  2. A good question elicits higher order thinking/doing/reflecting

    Not so good: Is the model schedule useful to you?

    Better: Tell us about how you are using the model schedule.

    Best: In what ways has the model schedule helped you or limited you in keeping your commitments to yourself? Choose one and share your insights into how this structure has benefited you this week.

  3. A good question asks students to use the course content to formulate their response

    Not so good: What do you think about each of these mission statements?

    Better: Take one of the examples of mission statements and explain why you think it is effective or not.

    Best: We have gone in depth about the 5 qualities of an effective mission statement. Choose one of the mission statements provided. Explain how effective it is by examining each quality we have studied. Use the resources in the course (readings, lecture, and examples) to formulate your response.

  4. A good prompt creates a diversity of activities (rather than simple question and response)

    Not so good: Let’s discuss how Mary can improve her sales page.

    Best (but the same structure): Mary’s honored us with using her draft sales page as a learning tool. Let’s provide constructive feedback to her on each element of a fantastic sales page: The Headline, The Problem, The Solution, The Benefits, The Features, Social Proof, Guarantee, and Scarcity. Choose one of these elements and offer some suggestions to Mary.

    Best (an alternative structure): Mary’s honored us with using her draft sales page as a learning tool. For each element of a fantastic sales page, two of you will work together to provide Mary constructive feedback. Get together via email or phone or skype and prepare a report to Mary. Mary will take all the feedback and prepare a second draft. (Provide a list of two students for each of the elements. Also, provide guidelines about constructive feedback/peer review.)




  • 用户随时抛出自己的情境、困扰及出价
  • 老师挑选合适的问题,周日放出,并自掏腰包使奖金加倍,大伙儿在对应文章下回复自己的建议意见
  • 老师挑选 10 个不错的建议,加上自己的点评总结并给出自己的建议,周日放出
    • 被选中建议的 10 位同学评分奖金,以平台代币的形式领取,只能用于平台消费,不可体现
    • 并再次放出新的问题



需要学员每周投入 5 小时以上的课程,任务设计更有讲究。




比如开智学堂 Python 基础班任务设计:



-> CLI MVP+API+前端+数据库
-> CLI MVP+API+前端+数据库+部署发布
-> CLI MVP+API+前端+数据库+部署发布+在微信发布
-> Bingo!可以运用这些技能,完成自己设计的大作品啦!




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